One of my frivolous dreams was to have a big enough wardrobe to put all my clothes. I recall vaguely that when I agreed to marry ZM, I asked if he would let me have a huge wardrobe and he laughed and said, "of course". So, one of our three bedrooms will be turned into a built in wardrobe! I think out of all the things he has done for me (and he has done a lot), I will always remember how he agreed with no qualms to turn one of the bedrooms to a built in wardrobe - because this was clearly cost-wasting and possibly space-wasting. But, that's just the man he is, he will always fulfill my dreams even if they come at great cost... and with that generosity and kindness of spirit, I'm also learning to become a person as good as him.
Now, onto frivolity:

I always thought I would have my built-in wardrobe in nice thick mahogany, but lots of design inspirations have the shelving in white and it's quite lovely and clean actually.
I think the important thing when deciding the shelving is matching the colouring of the walls and the carpeting/tiling. This is done so well in the picture above!
One of my favourites:
I like the elegance and functionality of the wardrobe design above. An important touch is the hangers - the uniformity and use of wood.
I can't decide if the shelving should remain open or closed. Here's a comparison:
When the shelving is done in darkish brown/black, it has an aristocratic air about it:

I really love the touch of having a built in dressing table. The mirror, chair and carpet combination is divine.
Finally, when it comes to personality, nothing can beat the one below. The turtle dove blue, turquoise, gold, light green and white combination has left me entranced. Having curtains cover the shelving is lovely, similar actually to the purple curtains my Mum did for P's closet, shrouding it all with a touch of mystique and nostalgia.
I have never ever considered or desired a walk-in wardrobe...until this post of yours.
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